Jon Cryer (Two and a Half Men) Joins Bullies Who Threatened Child

Two and a Half Men star Jon Cryer has recently taken to twitter to defend and sympathise with the trolls who stalked, harassed and bullied a 13 year old boy.

jon cryer bully

After the hate campaign against the boy had been publicised many twitter users voiced their outrage that a young boy had been a victim of vicious trolls who made death threats, sexually explicit comments and posted the boys Facebook photos. The result was an outpouring of support for the boy and condemnation for those who attacked him.

But not all jumped to the defence of the child. Jon Cryer (Two and a Half Men) chose to side with Kathryn Way who had posted the following tweet to the boy….


Kathryn Way felt it appropriate to tell a young boy to suck human faeces from his fingernails and clean his penis which she described as “belly button looking”.  It would be interesting to know whether Kathryn Way would allow someone to speak to her sister or mother in such a foul way.


Unfortunately, Jon Cryer has chosen to speak in defence of Kathryn Way and condemn those who are appalled by her hate speech.

jon cryer

Indeed, the internet does NOT have to be like this. Good men and women should take a stand for young children who are threatened and bullied. We must take a stand for the victims. Kathryn Way is not a victim, she is a bully.

It could be assumed that Jon Cryer is siding with a female because he feels that women are the fairer sex. If this is the case, Jon, please consider how you would feel if a young girl had made an innocent comment only to have a group of adults ask if they could touch her vagina, comment on the attributes of her vagina and threaten to kill her. These same things happened to a young boy. But it appears that Kathryn Way is not concerned with the safety of boys on the internet..


If you stand by Kathryn Way then you stand by her comments. You support the filth and harassment that a young boy has been subjected to. And for that you also deserve condemnation. Jon Cryer, you are a supporter of child abuse and those who abuse children and for that you should hang your head in shame.


Trolls Attack 13 year old Boy

A 13 year old boy was sexually harassed, bullied and doxed for the following tweet….


The boy who goes by the Twitter user-name “Redzos” was replying to tweets asking whether comedians should be banned from making offensive jokes.

The following twitter user “Horton Atonto” began to track down the boys personal information and subsequently posted a photo of the boy with his cat. (name and face originally posted uncensored)

Horton Atonto, Colorado, freelance photographer

Horton Atonto, Colorado Springs Colorado, freelance photographer


The leaked photo lead to a barrage of abuse and sexually suggestive comments by people who were now fully aware that it was an under-age child.

The following users sexually propositioned the boy asking him to touch their penis


Amongst those who threatened the boy was Caylen Burrough {31, San Mateo, California} who made numerous sexual comments about the boys genitalia. He may be employed by Electronic Arts (EA)

Caylen Burrough

Caylen Burrough


Twitter user “Trick IX” sent the following threat


Below is a picture of Twitter user “trick IX” ( Patrick Morrisey, 35, Buffalo, NY ) who happens to be in a trusted teaching position with children whom he often photographs then posts to his social media accounts. He is currently teaching children in South Korea.

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Patrick Morrisey

Patrick Morrisey

Another post from Patrick Morrisey mocking the boy for his young age..

Patrick Morrisey 11

Also amongst the attackers was Twitter user “solikebasically” (Kathryn Way, Houston TX, unemployed/ Consumer Media Network)  pictured below



Kathryn Way

She made this abhorrent and vile post which referenced the child’s genitals (NSFW)


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Kathryn Way’s Twitter friend “Erik Void” asked her if she had the boys home address and threatened to stab him.

 Erik Void guy  DJ in Milwaukee

Erik Void guy. DJ in Milwaukee

erik void

Erik Void

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Yet another user bullies and makes sexual comments

Gregor Samsa 2

He is pictured below


BigotWacher is adamant that bullies be named and shamed. Particularly those who viciously threaten children.

If you know of a child who is being abused please report to local authorities.

Child Safety Resources


Please add any information you have in the comments

EDIT- Please, no posting addresses or threats. Comments are pre-approved. Links are accepted)